This is going to take some getting used to.
Today is officially day one of our home learning adventure. Each of my children are in some variation of yesterday’s pajamas and today’s outdoor gear. Nearly every free space in my home is covered in some kind of Lego creation, piece of a creation, or just a random head. My kitchen sink is so, so full! You know what? I am not panicking. This is okay, we are okay. It took me 35 minutes to learn how to add a link to a YouTube video and 25 minutes more to understand that I actually already have a YouTube account, who knew…also okay. At least we brushed our teeth.
The sun is shining and because my boys are not stuck inside a 4 walled classroom they are able to fully enjoy the day. Birds are singing and Spring is popping. All of my guys are outside taking it in. We have come to a point in society where it is almost unheard of for older kids to walk through the neighborhood without an adult, think about it. My oldest son is out for a walk right now, probably noticing his very own neighborhood in a completely new way. The littles are elbow deep in mud and my 8 year old is 20 feet high in a tree. Their muddy boots and big smiles tell me it is a good day.

What made me think I could take this project on? The National Geographic Educator Certification process challenged me to add technology to my education tool box. I didn’t know then how important that would become for me!
Tonight I will show the boys how to use the video maker I used for the National Geographic Project. They want to use footage they have collected to make their own movie…